
How Decisions are made in the Punksville

How FrankenPunks Governance Works

Migration to a full-scale decentrally governed organization will take place gradually over time. We started the project with the mindset that our community would actively participate in governing over the project.

Our initial rollout of the Punskville governance system was met with minimal engagement which made it hard to reach consensus over decisions made within the project. Recognizing this, we have redesigned our proposal system to make it easier to submit, review, vote and execute new proposals.

The first phase of our redesigned governance system has been launched. It includes a proposal submission process along with a full-time โ€œProposal Directorโ€ who will help with submissions, reviews, and execution of approved proposals. They will also advise the proposers, helping them hone their idea and make it more likely to be approved by the community.

Proposal System

The goal of our governance system is to have proposals PASS. We want community members to utilize the funds in our community wallet and we want them to make a significant impact on our project.

Last updated